Thursday, April 8, 2010

Genealogy sites

Found some great new sites for genealogy today - the 1911 Irish Census
and the Victorian Government Gazette

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tweeting not just for the birds...

I have 7 followers on Twitter! I am amazed, and know not what to say! Some of them are even people who don't know me and therefore didn't have to be 'encouraged' to follow!

A little goes a long way

So Saturday I learnt that a 1kg bag of flour goes a long way when it is hurled into the pantry a tad too enthusiastically. My poor mother - I know she's not well but that little tanty did her no good at all. Spent the rest of the day cleaning up - it went everywhere!! Very impressive - and quite funny (at least, after all the cleaning was done).

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Further to my efforts to reconnect to the current century (!!) I have also discovered Twitter, where I am using the name TorieLib. I like the immediacy of tweeting, although I think it will be a loooong time before I catch up with High Country Library (who I am following) who are listed as the most popular public library in Australia on Twitter, and number 140 Public Library in the world.
Ohhhhhh dear, it has been a disgracefully long time since I have updated this thing. I will attempt to crawl my way back into the 21st century. Not good.