Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thoughts on Learning 2.0

I'm really glad I have done this course, although finding time was rather difficult, and I certainly did not give everything the time and attention it deserved. I could have spent hours exploring to wonders before me - but I have all my notes and will revisit many of the sites I have bookmarked - using, of course!
I definitely want to make use of blogs and wikis, both internally amongst library staff and with our patrons. My catalogue of books is growing on LibraryThing, my bookmarks and tags are growing almost daily, and I LOVE the bloglines - it saves me heaps of time. Others are just plain FUN to play with - flickr, image generators, the list goes on.
Thanks to all the staff who kept encouraging each other to keep going with Learning 2.0, even when time was tight and we had to move on before we were ready - we will have to do an update and refresher soon!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Week #9 - podcasts, video and downloadable audio

Podcasts were good, but loaded very slowly on my poor old chugging computer. This is probaby the one week where I had actualy discovered a fair bit of this myself - especially the audio (I LOVE my I-pod). YouTube I have played with a fair bit over the past few months, too, but the World E-book Fair was a bit of an eye-opener, and I know I will be revisiting that site a fair bit.

A long gap between blogs

It had been a disgracefully long time since my last blog - in the meantime I have done a 5 day OH&S course, a 4 week course on answering genealogy questions for library staff, and (more or less) kept up with my general job. It has certainly been exciting!!

On to week 9!