Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Week #8 - Zoho ; First try

laughing Whoo-hoo - isn't this cute. Lets just press a few of these buttons and see what this thing can do!!

Cat Law #4 - any bag or box MUST contain a cat at the earliest possible nanosecond

This is my favourite cat photo (thanks FlickR) and i have managed to add a comment to the image - just point on the photo to see.

OK - what else can I do???



Fonts, fonts, fonts, and more fonts

Bold, italics, inderline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript, all the usual bits and pieces I can do in a normal work document.

I don't mind the toolbar, although with the internet explorer toolbars at the top there is rather a lot of stuff to look at. I think the biggest adventage of this is the ease of sharing and multiediting features. Time to save and see if I can link this into my blog.

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